7 Things Your Finger Length Could Say About Your Personality - nethunter


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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

7 Things Your Finger Length Could Say About Your Personality

Every time we feel that we’ve made peace with some of the most stunning and shocking ways of studying about one’s personality, we come across other bizarre (and sometimes, unpleasant) ways to do the same, right? However, this particular one is not only pleasant to know, but it’s also outright funny! It has a bit of science attached to it as well, peeps.

As much as we consider it to be a B.S. story, we still get excited about palmistry, don’t we? It’s some kind of a thrill figuring out if our expectations, hopes and dreams match our palm readings or not. Did you know that it is true? A lot of secrets can be known through the lines on your palm.

That being said, it’s not just the lines on the palms. We can make predictions about one’s personalities by observing the length of the index and ring fingers as well. And, there are researches out there that say that the difference between the length of the index finger and ring finger is because of the exposure to high levels of testosterone when in the womb (1).

finger is because of the exposure


While some scientists vouch for this fundamental reason behind the difference in finger lengths, the link between finger lengths and personality is so minuscule, that they are practically irrelevant. There is another bunch of scientists, who continue to spend many years of their precious lives trying to uncover these intriguing associations. Here’s a sneak peek into what they have uncovered so far about the link between human finger lengths and behavioral patterns. Please note that all of the below-mentioned traits represent the exposure of testosterone during the developmental stages of an individual in the womb.

The shorter your index finger is when compared to your ring finger, the higher is your level of exposure.

1. You Shine In Activities That Require Endurance

Shine In Activities That Require Endurance


It is said that women who had greater exposure to testosterone are the ones that perform well in endurance-related activities, like running or swimming for longer distances. They often come out victorious in sports competitions and also, love indulging in physical activities that seem challenging to them. They are considered to be relatively stronger than their peers, who have had lesser exposure to testosterone in their earlier stages of development.

2. Your Rubik’s Cube, Pong, Puzzle, And Math Games Are On Point

Your Rubiks


Carl Pintzka, a researcher and doctor at the Norwegian University of Science And Technology, gave testosterone drops to women during the course of his research pertaining to brain development and functions in males and females. Following the drops, the subjects were tested on a 3-D environment to predict what length and shape their fingers would turn out to be (2).

He figured that women who were given these drops fared better in spatial exercises than the others. Their ability to crunch numbers was higher.

3. You Are Likely To Be Less Faithful To Your Partner

Likely To Be Less Faithful To Your Partner


A study shows that studying the exposure of a fetus to testosterone helps predict one’s promiscuity (3). A person with higher exposure is less likely to stay with one partner for a lifetime.

4. You Find Yourself Being Attracted To Other Women

Being Attracted To Other Women


This particular study, which was conducted at the University of California, studied the hands of nearly 720 men and women. The study asked them about their birth and sexual orientation. The result showed that women who confessed themselves to being lesbians were the ones who had a greater difference between their ring finger and index finger lengths(4).

5. You Are A Serious Monogamist

You Are A Serious Monogamist


Many biologists have found that females favor monogamy the most, since they assume that their offsprings are more likely to survive if their male partners are around. Even a study published in Biology Letters says that women exposed to higher amount of female hormones are those who choose to stay in a long-lasting relationship (5).

6. You Are Exposed To A Greater Risk Of Depression And Anxiety

Exposed To A Greater Risk Of Depression And Anxiety


Research shows that a woman, who is exposed to higher amount of female hormones while in the womb, has a higher risk of falling prey to anxiety and depression. This number is significantly larger in comparison with those women who have higher testosterone exposure (6).

7. You Are More Likely To Get Married

You Are More Likely To Get Married


In the year 2000, a paper was published in a medical journal named Evolution & Human Behavior. The research stated that women who had lesser testosterone exposure were the ones who were married (7). This goes on to prove that men had a biological preference for women who had more feminine characteristics.

Who thought that exposure towards male and female hormones when in the womb could lead to a difference in our finger lengths? We honestly believe that there is no end to such discoveries. What are your thoughts about this? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post 7 Things Your Finger Length Could Say About Your Personality appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

from STYLECRAZE https://ift.tt/303djHM

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