31 Cute And Funny Valentine’s Day Poems To Express Your Feelings - nethunter


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Monday, January 27, 2020

31 Cute And Funny Valentine’s Day Poems To Express Your Feelings

Valentine’s Day is all about expressing your love for your special someone. It is telling them why they make your life wonderful, and more importantly, how they make you a better person.

In addition to your gift, what if you could also pen a few words for your dear one? Words definitely carry more weight, don’t they? In case you feel you are not so good with words, we have a solution for you.

We have compiled a list of heart-touching poems that can help you express yourself better. Use them appropriately, and you will see why this Valentine’s Day could be the most memorable one.

11 Valentine Day Poems For Friends

Valentine Day Poems For Friends


1. Cherish The Lovely Memories With Your Friend

I promise to love you
When your jokes are not funny.
I promise to love you
When you have no money.

I promise to love you
When you’re sick and all snotty.
I promise to love you
When you’re angry and grotty.

I promise to love you
When you’re drunk and unruly.
I promise to love you
When you’re hung over and drooly.

And I promise to love you
When you drive me ’round the bend.
I promise to love you
Because you are my best friend!

– Alex

2. For Your True Valentine Friend

They love you
When you defend them
They run
When you need a helping hand

Real ones are there in total silence
Called the silent ones
To massage the pain
Of a wounded soul
They were there long ago
They are there now in the snow
Holding hands
Never letting go

Wiping tears
Striking fears
Praying for good cheer
Please me lord
Serve me one more beer.

– Arthur Vaso

3. To Make Your Friend Feel Special This Valentine’s

People come and people go,
In and out of your life and so,
When one shines bright among the rest,
And is there when needed, you’re truly blessed.
That is how I see you, friend of mine,
And why I’m sending this Valentine.

– Karl Fuchs

4. To Show How Amazing Your Life Is When You Have Friend

My closest friends, who number three
I heed not thus for loyalty
And neither camaraderie
But simply in proximity

They live not down my alleyway
Nor porch, nor in my house per se
But underneath my fringed toupee
They’re in my head, well stowed away!

– Delysia Hendricks

5. When Your Heart Is Filled With Love For Your Friend

You are my best friend; you belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs, but still nothing can tear us apart.
I know you as a sister, and I will always care.
Love, respect, and trust are the things we share.

I know you as a person; I especially know you as a friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
Right now, this second, this minute, this day,
Our sisterhood is here, is here to stay.

My friendship with you is special and true.
When we are together, we stick like glue.
When I’m in the darkness that needs some light,
When you’re by my side, I know things are all right.

Our friendship is so strong; it breaks down bars.
Our friendship is also bright, like the sun and the stars.
If we were in a competition for friendships, we would get a gold,
Because responsibility and cleverness are the keys we hold.

I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend.
I hope our long friendship will never end.
Our friendship is like a magnet; it pulls us together,
Because no matter where we are, our friendship will last forever!

– Mizscorpio

6. When Your Friendship Is Immortal

I have a pair of friends I’ve had for years
Should we part I would surely drown in tears
Together we’ve trod byways
Although we’ve seen better day
My scruffy old shoes that I bought at Sears.

– Robert Hinshaw

7. When Your Friend Is Your Ultimate Companion

A good friend
Like you is worth a million dollars,
So if you don’t mind;
Can I sell you?

– Bill Lindasy

8. A Cute And Short Poem For Your Lifelong Friend

Trees like friends are always around
They allow me to nestle beneath their shade
When it seems like good friends can never be found
I counted twenty-something tree friends I’ve already made!

– Gwendolen Song

9. When You Spend Your Day Around Your Best Friends

Every night I see old Sand Man and he and I box a round or two.
And every morning I go fart around with old stinky John Loo.

Then it’s time to relax and wake up with my best friend old Joe Black.
Then round about noon it’s lunch with a fat fellow named Big Mac.

When it’s cold or when it rains.
I see old Arthur Rightus he’s really a pain.

Sometimes when life is rough old Jack Daniels comes to call.
When he’s here I laugh and feel tall.

When he is gone I go to bed and fall in.
Then I fight with old Sand Man and hope that he wins.

– Bobb Marly

10. When Your Friendship Is Just Treasured

Theeeeere’s a Monkey on my face and on my eyes and on my nose
a’ there’s a Monkey on my chest and on my clothes!
a’ there’s a Monkey huggin’ me
and there’s a Monkey up a tree
and Monkeys are my bestest friends, thought you should know!

– Kelsi Nichols

10 Valentine’s Day Poems For Boyfriend

10 Valentines Day Poems For Boyfriend


1. A Short And Sweet Poem Of Love

You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night.
You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.

You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.
You are my heart that beats inside.
You are the blood that flows through me.
You are the only guy I can see.
You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings.
You are my everything.

You are my one and only.
You stop me from being so lonely.
We plan our future as if we have a clue.
I never want to lose you.
I want you to be my husband, and I want to be your wife.
I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

– Mercedes

2. For Your Eternal And Undying Love

At times I may get mad at you.
Without any reason,
at times I might yell,
but hey, just know that I just want your attention.
I know at times I’m hard to deal with,
but please just try.
I know that I can be hard headed,
but one kiss from you makes me soft.
I can’t be perfect, and I will never be,
but I promise you one thing –
no matter where life take us,
I will never leave or give up on you.
I will always stay by your side and
assure you that everything will be okay.
I will walk with you hand and hand
then smile and wipe your sorrow away.
I will never ever in a million years
ask for someone else
because no matter how hard they all try to compete with you,
they will never win…
because my heart will always belong to you.

– jrec

3. When You Love Someone From Deep Within Your Heart

Once you were a guy who was single,
And at a party, we began to mingle.
Long story short, you grew on me like a wart,
And now every time we touch, I tingle!

– Kelly Roper

4. These Wonderful Confessions

Take a walk with me, my sweet Gummy Bear
To a land where Nerds and Sweet Tarts are found everywhere

Fly over the Milky Way with me and let us Zero in on the moon.
I’ll lick your Butterfingers and shake your Pop Rocks too.

For 100 Grand I would not give you away,
Or trade you in for a sweet and salty Payday.

In your arms, I find Sweet Bliss.
You’re better than a cup of chocolaty Swiss Miss.

My Lifesaver, my sweetest love,
I hope you never leave me my chocolate Dove.

– Monica Patrick

5. When Love Grows With Time

As time goes by from year to year,
One thing is surely true, my dear;
Though decades come and decades go,
Just seeing you sets me aglow.

Time shifts my body; I start to sag,
When I pass a mirror, it can make me gag.
My joints all ache; I can hardly move;
Still a smile from you, and I’m in the groove.

Getting older can be a pain,
But with you along, I can’t complain.
Despite the things that we go through,
I know I’ll never stop loving you.

Your loving heart turns life to play,
As we laugh at time from day to day.
So I write this poem, and I’ll hang my sign,
Saying, “Always Be My Valentine.”

– Karl and Joanna Fuchs

6. This Creative Creation For Beloved

If I were a key, I would lock you;
If lightning, I would shock you;
If I were a pier, I would dock you;
If I had a band, I would rock you.

If I were a spoon, I would feed you;
If I were a house, I would deed you;
On Valentine’s Day, I must plead you,
Valentine, I really need you!

– Joanna Fuchs

7. The Beautiful Meaning Of Love

True love is measured by how deep you fall
And judged by how low you are willing to crawl
Just to save it and make it last
It is determined by how willing you are to open up and offer your trust.
It is hospitable, amazing at all times, and always kind.
It is never prejudiced, it is color blind.

Wish you my dear a Happy Valentine!

– Modiba

8. For The Blooming Love

This Valentine poem is for you my sweetheart
My love for you will never depart.
May we be together until the end of time.
I would never trade you, not for a million dimes.
With each passing year our love continues to grow
It is more beautiful than fresh fallen snow.
So let this poem be a reminder to you
I love you more each year through and through.

– Catherine Pulsifier

9. A Wonderful Description Of Love

What does love mean on this Valentine’s day?
Love is doing more for another than for self
Love is encouraging and supportive
Love is patient
Love is kindness for one another
Love is helping and laughter too
Love is appreciating all you do
Love is sharing interests
Love is a comfort
Love is always there
Love is meant to be shared
Love is beauty in the eyes of the beholder
Love is showing that you care.
Love is you and all you do
Happy Valentines Day to YOU!

– Kate Summers

10. When Your Valentine Is Your Life

Every time I look into your eyes,
I wonder how I’ll ever look away again.
The feeling that I see in your soul
Fills me with strength.

Every time I look into your eyes,
I remember why I fell in love.
And I hope that you see
That same love reflecting from me.

You are the one,
My only love,
My strongest means of life.

I need you to breathe.
I need you to live.
I need you to love.

– Michele Meleen

10 Valentine’s Day Poems For Father

10 Valentines Day Poems For Father


1. Appreciating Your Dad For All His Love

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

My dad, he was no hero
Known around this world.
He was everything to me,
For I was his baby girl.

I’d write about the lessons.
He taught me right from wrong.
He instilled in me the values
That one day I’d be strong.

He taught me to face my fears,
Take each day as it comes,
For there are things that we can’t change.
He would say what’s done is done.

He would say hold your head up high,
Carry yourself with pride.
Thanks to him, I am somebody,
I will never run and hide.

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

– Vicky Frye

2. For The Favorite Man Of Your Life

Only a dad, with a tired face,
Coming home from the daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fame,
To show how well he has played the game,
But glad in his heart that his own rejoice
To see him come, and to hear his voice.

Only a dad, with a brood of four,
One of ten million men or more.
Plodding along in the daily strife,
Bearing the whips and the scorns of life,
With never a whimper of pain or hate,
For the sake of those who at home await.

Only a dad, neither rich nor proud,
Merely one of the surging crowd
Toiling, striving from day to day,
Facing whatever may come his way,
Silent, whenever the harsh condemn
And bearing it all for the love of them.

Only a dad, but he gives his all
To smooth the way for his children small,
Doing, with courage stern and grim,
The deeds that his father did for him.
This is the line that for him I pen,
Only a dad, but the best of men.

– Edgar Guest

3. When You Can’t Stop Loving Your Dad

I have to tell you how I feel
Sometimes my words may not seem real

You do what you do to make me laugh when I cry
Most importantly you always try

I know that no matter what or where
You will always and forever be right there

You loved me then, You love me now
Knowing this it is hard to frown

I love you more than words can tell
Life without you would be just Hell

Forever in my heart I know you will be
I thank the Stars YOU made me

You are my daddy, You should know
No matter how little I let it show

Thank you for all your love and caring
“I Love You Daddy”
Forever your heart will be hearing!

– Shawna

4. When Your Dad Is Your Ultimate Support System

For my father, my friend,
This to me you have always been.

Through the good times and the bad,
Your understanding I have had.

A gentle man at heart,
This sets you apart

From the others I’ve seen.
You mean so much to me.

The laughter we have shared
Cannot be compared.

The tears I have shed,
As you lovingly nodded your head.

You have always been there,
With a smile and a hug,

A precious gift from our God up above.
The times that I have been down and sad,
Your silly ways could always make me glad.

You gave me strength to carry on,
Even when all hope seemed to be gone.

The lessons in life that I have learned
Are from your genuine love and concern.
With deep appreciation for all you have done.

You, Dad,

Are my number one.
With all my love, Your Daughter, Your Friend.

– Peggy Stewart

5. When There’s A Lot To Be Thankful For

Thank you for being the best father that you should.
Thank you for supporting us when you could.

Thank you for loving us all time,
Even when we are not good all the time.

Every night when I go to bed,
I say a prayer in my head.

I thank God for giving me a wonderful family
That will never leave me even through tragedy.

But most of all I thank him for
A wonderful father that I have.

Who did not leave me alone and sad
You fill this house with laughter and love.

There is no one like you.
Who can cheer me up when I am sad?

Who can make me laugh
So hard I could cry?

I just want to say that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

– Brianna

6. When You Can’t Stop Admiring Your Dad

Sunday mornings I would reach
high into his dark closet while standing
on a chair and tiptoeing reach
higher, touching, sometimes fumbling
the soft crowns and imagine
I was in a forest, wind hymning
through pines, where the musky scent
of rain clinging to damp earth was
his scent I loved, lingering on
bands, leather, and on the inner silk
crowns where I would smell his
hair and almost think I was being
held, or climbing a tree, touching
the yellow fruit, leaves whose scent
was that of a clove in the godsome
air, as now, thinking of his fabulous
sleep, I stand on this canyon floor
and watch light slowly close
on the water I’m not sure is there.

– Mark Irwin

7. When You Are The Daddy’s Little Girl

He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He’s there…a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.

– Karen Boyer

8. When You Have Memories To Cherish

Hello, Daddy!
Time to play,
I missed you,
off at work all day.

We’ll seek and hide
and skip and jog,
and when we’re done
we’ll look for frogs.

Today I helped Mommy
sweep the rugs,
maybe after dinner
you can help me catch bugs.

Maybe I’ll help
out in the yard,
fixing the truck
won’t be so hard.

I cherish this time
you share with me,
I love you, Daddy,
I know you love me.

– Leila Devlin

9. A Wonderful Poem To Appreciate Your Dad

There was a time
When not so long ago
A newborn had cried her first tear
As she entered into a strange new world.

A man held her with a certain strength
As tears of confusion ran down the newborn’s face.
He knew in his heart this girl was special,
And with that he vowed to give this child a place in his heart.

As time went by,
The girl had began to grow.
She had learned to talk
And she learned how to walk.

With each step the girl took,
The man had been by her side,
To guide her when she didn’t know where to go,
To comfort her whenever she fell.

His mission every day
Was to make this girl smile,
To hear her young, innocent laugh,
To make her giggle.

More years had come and gone
As the girl was in her first year of middle school.
There were days where she would come home with tears in her eyes
That would send a sad, cold knife through the man’s heart.

He would sit there and console her for as long as needed
And had wiped salty tears from her cheek
As he told her that it would be okay,
That it wasn’t the end of the world.

There were times when she walked through the door with an evil frown
As she spat cruel words of anger towards the man she loved.
Never did the man love her any less in hearing her words
But did scold her in hopes that she would learn.

Time went on,
And it was the girl’s middle school graduation.
As she and her fellow classmates wore caps and gowns,
The man and his wonderful wife were watching with pride.

Never had the two been so proud
As when the girl went up to accept her award.
Standing there with the girl in the lens of a camera,
He snapped multiple pictures to cherish the moment.

The man had been with the girl through thick and thin,
Through bloody cuts and ugly bruises,
Through smiles and tears,
Through screams of anger and shrieks of laughter.

This man had not only kept his vow to that newborn
But did so much more.
Only a man like him could give his love
So unselfishly.

That is why he is not only an amazing father
But also the most amazing friend I could ever ask for.

– Kaylee Kowch

10. When Your Dad Is Your Hero

I sit and look back to how far I can remember,
And you are always there next to me.
Each and every day you were helping me grow up,
And making me be the best that I can be.

Your love was forever strong,
Your cuddles forever tight.
Every day since I was born,
Your love was always in sight.

I will always be your Baby Girl,
And you will always be my Dad.
I know I will always be the luckiest
To have the best Dad any girl could have had.

My Daddy, I love you with all my heart,
Much more than I ever say.
You are my world, my everything,
Each and every day.

– Ranja Kujala

These are some of the heartfelt poems that you can share with your loved ones on Valentine’s day. Make them feel special and let them know how much they mean to you with any of these poems. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The post 31 Cute And Funny Valentine’s Day Poems To Express Your Feelings appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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