7 Little Lies That Can Do Irreparable Damage To Your Love Life - nethunter


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Thursday, November 21, 2019

7 Little Lies That Can Do Irreparable Damage To Your Love Life

Truth is often considered to be the hallmark for a stable relationship. If you can’t trust the person you are with, why bother being with them in the first place, right? No lie is worth ruining a beautiful relationship. For most people, dishonesty is a dealbreaker and something that they won’t overlook. If you have a hard time believing that just look at the number of Hollywood movies that bank on the concept of liars. According to research, honesty in relationships leads to better health as well as more wholesome and healthy relationships. Honesty is clearly an essential factor in a relationship considering the fact that you chose to be with this person. Here is a list of seven of the biggest lies and how they can be perceived as dealbreakers (1):

1. They’re Just A Friend

They re Just A Friend


Yes, everyone loves a certain amount of flattery, but you need to draw the line somewhere. If your partner is not comfortable with you flirting with the gender you’re attracted to, it wouldn’t be nice to go behind their back and do it anyway. Even if someone seems like they’re really interested in you, it wouldn’t be right to go behind your partner’s back just to talk to them. Think about how you would feel if your partner did the same to you.

2. I’m Loaded With Money

I m Loaded With Money


We get it. Sometimes talking about your finances with your partner can be a little difficult. Maybe they make more than you. Or perhaps they make less than you. Point is you come from different financial standings, and that can be tricky territory to navigate. Being upfront about your finances is a good idea, and if your partner can’t understand your financial situation, it’s best to walk away from the relationship.

3. No, I Don’t Talk To My Ex Anymore

No, I Dont Talk To My Ex Anymore


A lot of people are understandably uncomfortable with their partners talking to their exes and often ask them not to for their own reasons. Maybe you were in a troubled relationship before. Perhaps you were notorious for cheating with your exes. Maybe your ex was physically abusive. Whatever be the reason, if your partner asks you not to keep in touch with your ex and you still do so behind their back it’s not okay. If you think your partner is being too possessive with you, you should be upfront about it and tell them they have nothing to worry about. If they’re still uncomfortable, you will have to take a call between the two.

4. I Like Watching Sports, Too!

I Like Watching Sports, Too


So your partner is really into watching sports, and you don’t even understand the ABCs of it. Pretending that you like something that they do might work for some time, but it won’t work out well for you in the long run. The best option for you would be to be upfront about your preferences and let them know from the get-go if you don’t enjoy something they might want you to do or watch.

5. I’m Fine

Im Fine


Fighting can be painful, understandably, but telling your partner you’re alright when they check up on you isn’t a good idea either. Your partner will be left wondering why you aren’t telling them what the problem is. Your partner cannot read your mind, so how can you expect them to know and understand how you feel? Isn’t it just smarter to be upfront and honest with them so they can resolve their side of the conflict?

6. I Didn’t Do It, You Did!

I Didnt Do It You Did


Playing Whodunit with your partner isn’t nice either. If you’ve made a mistake, own up to it. Rather than indulge in toxic relationship behavior like gaslighting, be upfront about your mistakes and don’t blame your partner for your errors. They’d be more willing to forgive your mistakes than they would be gaslighting behavior.

7. I Promise I’ve Quit

I Promise I ve Quit


Sure, you’ve managed to convince yourself that you’re going to put down that box of cigarettes very soon. You may think that what your partner doesn’t know won’t harm them, but lying about your vices isn’t a smart idea either. If you plan on quitting a bad habit but needs some time, it’s a good idea to let your partner know and set a timeline in place.

End of the day, no matter how brightly you try to paint it, a lie is a lie. If you lie to your partner and then get upset when they see past your charade and decide to end things with you, you would be the only one to blame. Tell us some of your biggest dealbreakers when it comes to lying? Do you agree with our list or do you think it’s okay to tell a few white lies to your partner every now and then?

The post 7 Little Lies That Can Do Irreparable Damage To Your Love Life appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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