Meet Deepika Mhatre, Maid-Turned-Comedian Who Smiles In The Face Of Challenges - nethunter


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Monday, August 26, 2019

Meet Deepika Mhatre, Maid-Turned-Comedian Who Smiles In The Face Of Challenges

Many of us are privileged enough to have all the comforts we desire in life. But, the rest of the people who struggle day and night to make ends meet earn their happiness the hard way. Even so, many among them are a lot happier than those who are born with a silver spoon—a true testament to the fact that money can’t buy happiness. Taking a step further towards grace, some people turn their hardships into humor. They turn their life lessons into a reason into a story that has the potential to make others laugh. Lucky are these people who can see even the most painful things through the glasses of humor. Deepika Mhatre, a domestic help who went on to explore the world of stand up comedy has a similar story to share.

Stand up comedy has been on a rise in India over the past few years and comedians are loved as much as cricketers and Bollywood actors. But, Deepika Mhatre is a stand-up comedian who is rather different from all the others you’ve seen. She sells imitation jewelry in Mumbai local trains, works as a maid, takes care of an entire household, and then comes under the spotlight by evening with a big broad smile. Her smile is contagious and her audience will definitely agree to that. So, how did all this happen? How did a housemaid become a comedian by profession? Let’s take a brief walk through Deepika’s heartwarming journey to laughter.

Who Is Deepika Mhatre

Who Is Deepika Mhatre

deepikamhatre25 / Instagram

Hailing from Mumbai, Deepika Mhatre comes from a family of five comprising of her husband and three daughters. Her husband suffers from asthma which makes her the sole bread earner of the family. Until a year ago, a typical day in Deepika’s life starts at four in the morning. She sells imitation jewelry in the local trains of Mumbai and by 7 AM, she goes to Malad for her to attend to her second job. At this job, she cooks in several houses in the area and returns home by 4 in the evening for a brief period of rest. This is the time she gets to finish her household chores. We can imagine her plight taking care of three young daughters and a husband who is sick.

After her break, she wears her cape and goes off to help people live a happy life by spreading joy and laughter. However, she has skipped the cooking role since her deteriorating health doesn’t permit her to continue with such a hectic lifestyle. Now, let’s take a look at how Deepika, the maid became a familiar face for those who love the stand-up comedy scene.

The Hidden Talent Of Making People Laugh

The Hidden Talent Of Making People Laugh

sangeetavyas / Instagram

Deepika Mhatre got her big break at an event for maids, which was organized by her former employer Sangeeta Vyas. Since the maids never got to enjoy even during holidays, Sangeeta organized the event, so that they maids in her locality got a day to have fun and showcase their talents. Among the audience who laughed their heart out during Deepika’s performance was Rachel Lopez, a Hindustan Times reporter. She recognized Deepika’s talent and introduced her to Aditi Mittal, one of India’s most popular stand-up comedians.

Aditi also realized that Deepika was an unexplored pool of talent and urged her to get up on a professional platform as soon as possible. Hence, Deepika made her professional debut on “Bad Girls,” Aditi Mittal’s comedy show. In her first-ever performance on a professional stage, Deepika spoke about her daily life just like a normal person, but carefully fitting in punchlines and humor that made the crowd applaud and laugh. She spoke about the “sticker” that we see on goods and how people value them. Narrating a funny incident from her own experience, she said that when she sold jewelry in the trains and told people the price of an item, people bargained with her to cut down the price. However, this did not happen once she started sticking the price labels on them. From this, she concluded that people’s respect for stickers is higher than the mercy they have on the seller.

Meet Deepika Mhatre, Maid-Turned-Comedian Who Smiles In The Face Of Challenges

deepikamhatre25 / Instagram

In a conversation with a media channel, Deepika said, “I talk about my employers. Not all of them treated me with equal respect. Some of them would expect me to only work, but not offer basic courtesy—water, or food. And, those who did offer me food would expect me to eat from a different plate. Those experiences have now become material for my act. And when you’re making jokes on stage, no one feels bad about what you’re saying.”

Today, Deepika’s life is filled with laughter— hers, as well as many others. And, with her eldest daughter also contributing to the family income, things are going well for the whole family. Deepika’s story is an example of how we can enjoy life and stay positive even during the darkest of times. We wish Deepika and her career a bright future!

The post Meet Deepika Mhatre, Maid-Turned-Comedian Who Smiles In The Face Of Challenges appeared first on STYLECRAZE.


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